Our Intention

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is the underlying core principle at The Heart Center. Translated, it means May all beings everywhere be happy, joyous, and free. Toward that, we value love, healthy communication, and definitive boundaries.

To support others along their journeys toward this light, we provide Mindfulness Wellness programming. Our services include yoga, sound healing, and guided meditation. We work with students, faculty, and staff at schools, universities, and other places of business. We believe safe spaces to experience release through movement, community, and emotional expression are critical to living a joyous, happy life. Those who participate in our workshops often report a better understanding of the connection between mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 

With the funding we receive from our regularly scheduled programs, in addition to monetary donations and other financial support, we held The Heart Center's first holistic retreat, You are the Master of You at no cost to individuals impacted by incarceration which included transportation, 1 bedroom stay near the lake, 90 minute massage, yoga and meditation classes, nourishing food, understanding the nervous system training, and more.

Now that our participants have embarked on a life-changing journey this has ignited the creation of The Heart Center's exclusive 6-month Wellness Program: The Art of Nurturing Your Nervous System. Our 6 month Wellness Program includes the You are the Master of You multi-day holistic retreat, 1on1 coaching sessions, and live guided meditations.

At The Heart Center, we feel that the wellness of one is the wellness of all. Support our next 6 month wellness program: the art of nurturing your nervous system.

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